I have found two problems, or perhaps one problem and one issue/question:

1. IE does not always display a page after it is received and rendered. This
occurs in both the beta and the release versions. The symptom is that a page
is downloaded, but some or all of the page does not display. Moving the
cursor over the window usually causes most of the page to display, but
sometimes it is necessary to actually click on an area to cause the text or
image to be visible. The problem appears to be in the window drawing actions
- IE thinks it has drawn the region and it is visible, but in fact it is
blank. Sometimes I can see the text or image being rendered as the page
downloads, but then at the last minute it disappears.

2. The font used for the toolbar favorites (and organize favorates window)
is a bit funny looking and does not match the quality or appearance of the
other fonts used for the menus, etc. This may be a configuration issue - my
browser is normally set for Japanese autodetect as I work in a bilingual
environment. How is the font for this tool bar selected?

There is a third issue, but this may be left over from the beta. I have
noticed that the file helpers table gets corrupted with bad information for
file helpers. I have cleaned it a couple of times, but forgot to do it
before the upgrade, so I cannot be sure if it is continuing in the release
Eric Hildum 

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