Downloading the link:
using IE5.1.2 under OS X v10.1 causes IE to remove the MacBinary code 
and yield a file named:  [sic]

which attempts to open in Excel, because of the improper extension.

Renaming the file to .smi causes the file to be associated with Disk 
Copy and mount successfully (with checksum) so I'm assumed that the 
problem is that the file has 1 too many characters (32) in the
intended file name and IE can't deal with that.

However, I wrote to Bare Bones and received the response that the 
original file's name is not what IE shows. The file sans MacBinary is 
meant to be named "BBEdit 6.1 -> 6.1.2 Update.smi", but IE's built-in 
MacBinary decoding doesn't seem to understand that.

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