On Jul 27, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Vince LaMonica wrote:

> I have to do something similar with my iPad as I bought it while on the 
> road and had it synced with my laptop. But I try and keep all my iDevices 
> synced with one computer, my iMac. I've only recently started researching 
> iPad development, so very soon I need to start syncing it with my iMac but 
> I don't want to lose data that's been synced with my MBP and resides on my 
> iPad [music/movies are easy to transfer; it's the apps and the apps' data 
> that worry me].

on my iPhone, app data came across when restored from an Apple backup.  High 
scores, levels completed, etc were all restored.  Just keychain stuff had to be 

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