I am not at my MacBook at the moment, but isnt there an option in iTunes to
access the iPod as an external hard drive. My vague recollection is that it
is something like a checkbox for 'access as data device'?  Maybe he could
try that before syncing, open a Finder window and try to copy folders that
way. Though I am dubious about being able to access the music folders using
this method. Anyway, just a suggestion, so it might be another option to


On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Kevin Callahan <kc...@mac.com> wrote:

>  On Jul 27, 2010, at 11:54 AM, objectwerks inc wrote:
>  On Jul 27, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Kevin Callahan wrote:
>  *
> *
> My nephew says his mac mini drive died and had to be replaced.
> His "backup" to his media and apps is his iPod Touch ( apparently he hadn't
> been backing up to an external drive via Time Machine ).
> Is there an app that can safely move his tunes, images and iPod Touch apps
> to his computer?
> It is called iTunes.  I have done this with an iPhone and assume the iPod
> Touch would be the same.  Just plug the iPod Touch  into the machine and for
> tunes and movies and apps you can right click or control click on the iPod
> Touch in the left hand device column thing and tell it to *backup or
> upload purchased items*.
> okay ...
> I'll tell him that
> he was saying his option was to sync and lose all data currently on the
> iPod Touch
> I did say there was an option to re-download all purchased items (an Apple
> rep said he'd have to contact Apple first and set that up) -
> but he's concerned about NON-Apple purchases - ie: all the tunes he's
> already ripped from his CDs
>     I forget the actual verb it uses but it is something like that.  For
> images, just plug it in and let iPhoto import them as normal.  You can also
> get iTunes to become the new master for this iPod Touch by telling it to
> synch and telling it to then become the new master.  BUT BEFORE YOU DO THAT
> contextual menu option)
> right ..
> so it sounds like the real issue is getting his tunes that he ripped at one
> time back to his computer -
> or, he's going to have to rip everything again -
> which is what I'll tell him he'll have to do
> thanks Chad -
>  K
> Chad
> Thanks
> K
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