On 25/03/2011, at 11:42 AM, Nathan Sims <newsli...@autonomy.caltech.edu> wrote:

> On Mar 24, 2011, at 8:26 PM, Ashley Aitken wrote:
>> That's right I'm suggesting Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Xcode, pretty much all 
>> apps will be multi-touch apps, and we will even lose the menu bar as we know 
>> it today (since it was made for the mouse).
> Seems like they're already going in that direction. Note that the new iOS 
> iMovie is all touch driven. Who would have thought it possible just a few 
> years ago?

Yes, it is quite astounding but (at least for me) just as astounding as 
multitouch feels compared with having a mouse and (physical) keyboard.  It 
feels like a layer of interaction has been removed from between my apps and 
data and me.

> Can't say I'd want to do my app development that way, but for end-user apps 
> it's likely the wave of the future.

I think a multitouch IDE app will need to (and will) have very good keyboard 
control and equivalents.  And the terminal will, of course, always be keyboard 
centric, so EMACS and vi will live on (until their users don't).

That said, a lot of things in an IDE can be done with multitouch, e.g. GUI 
layout. I'm not one for "visual programming" (laying out code pieces) though, 
never thought that was a practical solution for anyone other than absolute 

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