On 2011-04-25 05:16 , Andrew Brown wrote:
I don't need a bigger disk and imagine that SSD is a better long-term
option, if the notion of long-term makes any sense in this field...

Apple's upcharge for that SSD is $600; for a similar price you could get the stock hard drive and add your own higher-performance SSD (leaving you with an extra drive for backups, just get a case)

for example the highly-regarded OCZ Vertex 3, or the equivalent from OWC:


both are currently in short supply, so if you can wait a few months, the price will probably drop a bit; it's very simple to swap hard drives in the newer MacBook Pros

here is why these are more desirable than the Apple drives (the OWC model in these charts is an older version):


(i had an Apple "specialist" at Best Buy last night try to tell me 1 that you can't buy a faster SSD than the ones Apple uses, and that the MacBook Air uses IPS displays)

you can also save a bit of money on RAM by upgrading it yourself
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