On May 13, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:

> On 5 May 2011, at 11:23, Jared Earle wrote:
>> You should be on IMAP anyway. POP3 is a dead end.
> Well, so far, I rather prefer my dead end... I need to get "IMAP for 
> dummies", but perhaps the answer to my question is short : how do I handle 
> IMAP on my iPhone and iPad ? if I delete messages on either, IMAP scurries 
> off and deletes them from my MBP also, which is not what I want at all.

When you use IMAP, actions mean what they say. Delete means delete. For 
practical purposes, you're manipulating mail directly on the server aka a 
central point of access, so of course "delete" deletes from everywhere. That's 
called "consistency" aka "sanity" and it's why IMAP has largely replaced POP.

It sounds like you've just gotten accustomed to POP's bizarro world where 
delete doesn't really mean delete. Just need to tweak your mental model of how 
mail should behave slightly. If you don't really intend to delete a message, 
then don't.


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