On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 16:48, John Musbach <johnmusba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't have anything to hide at all. In fact if you google hard
> enough you can find that information about me since some creep stalked
> me and mailed my personal information to the linux-kernel list which
> is widely mirrored... Took me a week to work with list maintainers to
> have the posts removed and to notify Google of the rest that weren't
> being removed to have those results buried.

I don't get it. If you didn't have anything to hide, why did you go
about hiding the information that was posted? And why refer to the
person as a "creep stalker"? Seems like they were just posting
publicly available, relevant information. If it wasn't relevant to be
posted after all, why would they have gone looking for it and posted
it online? </sarcasm>

I don't think the connection between Google Ads and oppressive
governments is all that apt, but the "nothing done wrong, nothing to
hide" statement is off-base and ignorant.

arno  s  hautala    /-|   a...@alum.wpi.edu

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