On 03 Feb 2012, at 13:44 , Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:
>>> I've decided to upgrade to a 10.6 Mac Book Pro. I don't want to run
>>> 10.7, both because of the battery issue, and the whole "vista" like
>>> issues with 10.7.
>> i'm curious — what is the "battery issue"
> Lots of people are having issues with 10.7 only getting about half the
> battery life that it should get.

First I’ve heard of this. I haven’t noticed a dramatic downturn in battery life 
on the MBP.

> Many issues are traced to drivers and graphical programs. Others occur
> on onmodified stock 10.7 installs.
>> btw, MicroCenter has an unusually good price ($1600+tax) on 15" 2.3GHz quad
>> i7 with anti-glare hi res screen; it comes with 10.7 but can run 10.6
>> the "early 2011" MacBook Pros and all previous can run 10.6
> Oh? I thought all the new 2011 machines were 10.7 only.

<http://mactracker.ca> has a nice app (iOS or MacS X) that tells you the 
minimum system for a Mac, and lots more. The early 2011 MacBook Pros shipped 
with 10.6.6 and had a custom update to 10.6.7. Lion wasn’t even released until 
late July, so there’s no way it could have been on any early 2011 machines.

Despite some real annoyances with SMB shares in 10.7, I would not go back to 
10.6. I had to use someone else’s machine running 10.6 and while there wasn’t 
any one thing that I could point at and say, “There, that’s what I don’t like” 
there were a lot of little things.

Most obviously, I find Mail.app to be much faster and much more useable in 
10.7, I love mission control and the ease with which I can keep windows and/or 
apps organized, and I use the gestures in Lion on my Trackpad all the time. 
Going back to Snow Leopard definitely feels like a step backwards.

I have yet to really investigate 10.7.3 and SMB shares. It’s supposed to be 
better. We’ll see. In most cases, I can connected from a windows machine to the 
Mac a few times, and then all further attempts to connect fail. YMMV.

'Witches just aren't like that,' said Magrat. 'We live in harmony with
the great cycles of Nature, and do no harm to anyone, and it's wicked of
them to say we don't. We ought to fill their bones with hot lead.'

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