
I have a few questions about controlling the audio output from iTunes.  I'm 
currently using 11.0.2, which is the latest version.

I have a Mac Pro with a small pair of speakers connected to the analog audio 
out port.  I also have an optical cable that connects the digital audio out 
port to a receiver (and better speakers) in the same room.  And I also have an 
old Airport Express that (sometimes) allows me to play my music through a 
different receiver in another room.  At one time, not so long ago, all 3 of 
these options worked fine, but not now.

It seems that iTunes keeps changing how it handles output control.  At one 
point, there was an icon in iTunes that I could click on to easily choose any 
one of these outputs, or even multiple outputs.

Then a newer version of iTunes got rid of that feature, but I found some free 
software (SoundSource) that put an icon in the Mac menu bar.  It was not quite 
as convenient, but still better than having to open the Preferences app and 
going to the Sound panel's Output tab each time I wanted to change from analog 
to digital or back.

Then another version of iTunes came out and the convenient icon was back.

Just today, however, I went to change the audio to the receiver and now I can't 
find any way to do that from iTunes.  The icon is gone again.  In fact, there 
are very few icons in the border around the iTunes window.

Why do they keep adding and removing this feature?  I find/found it really 
convenient.  I looked through all of the menus for iTunes and I could not find 
anything about controlling audio output.  I had to go to the Preferences app, 
where at least I could switch from wired analog to wired digital, but now I 
can't find how to switch to wireless (Airport Express).  It seems like there 
must be some mechanism in iTunes that I'm missing.

Also, I googled SoundSource and I see that it is not available for Mountain 
Lion, so that option is no longer available to me.

Can someone please tell me how to do audio switching in iTunes or else suggest 
some other software that will conveniently allow me to choose one (or more) of 
the audio sources?



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