for years i've gotten 70+% of my news from RSS feeds (nowadays, another 15% from Twitter, for all its faults); Vienna is not bad, i am gradually moving some feeds over to it from NetNewsWire which i no longer trust; Vienna is under active development, and is pretty stable for me

Thunderbird, surprise surprise, also does an okay job of mailbox-style feed 

on an upcoming 10 day trip (iPad, no computer), i'm going to be trying out Feedly, but it took several tries to get it to authenticate with Google Reader; Feedly promises a replacement for Google Reader's syncing API, which is promising, but i am in the camp that thinks having a proprietary service syncing your feeds is not a good long term strategy (unless you both trust and pay them); that is why i'm strongly considering building myself a river of news:


i have a lot of respect for Dave Winer, but i don't always agree with his methods; his ways is okay - free for a year if you haven't used EC2 before - but after that it will be $3/day! i think i could build a pretty good river on Drupal using cheap shared hosting; i think i could also make it "mailbox-style" so that things would have a "read" flag (Winer dislikes this approach)

whatever you do, stay away from NetNewsWire - i'm weaning myself off of it as there has been almost no development for the last few years, and it has some long standing bugs; perhaps the market for RSS readers will pick up with Google Reader's demise and give the NetNewsWire a shot in the arm, but i really don't trust the outfit that owns it now\
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