on 2014-05-11 15:19 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote
Hi Steve,

Well, that's what I thought as well, but it did not work in my current case.  
As I mentioned in my original post, this did not capture any mailboxes that 
were in mail folders (and subfolders).  If all of my mailboxes were at the top 
level, it probably would have worked fine.  But I have a lot of things like, 
for example, Apple/hardware, Apple/software, etc.  In fact, I have some 
directories that are 3 or 4 layers deep.  Any mailboxes within such subfolders 
were not retrieved.

sorry - i didn't read to the end after you mentioned Export, assuming that paragraph was all about exported mail not importing well, so i didn't see you had used the more direct import approach

i have used Mail's Import on Thunderbird mbox files and (old) Mail mbox files, but i don't think i've used it on the newer maildir-like folders

in a quick test (on 10.7, btw) i am getting null results attempting the latter type of import from a copy of some of my own Mail store; Mail finishes suspiciously quickly on a 34 MB multi-folder archive, tells me to look for results in a mailbox called Import, but there is no such mailbox; here is someone else reporting the same behavior, but no solution:


i recalled an old way of doing this and it seems to work (again, on 10.7): copy the old original mail folders (from the old V2/Mailboxes/) to the new V2/Mailboxes/ then relaunch Mail; for me, the mailboxes appeared under On My Mac, but were empty until i individually selected them and chose Mailbox > Rebuild; then all the messages appeared

although i had renamed the top level mailbox, but it took it's old name based on the info.plist file; if i deleted info.plist before launching Mail, the mailbox didn't appear; i haven't extensively tested this or looked for references on the technique
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