I'm sure I am worrying needlessly, but I just thought I'd ask.

The drives are encased in plastic, but the plastic containers were then placed 
in over-sized boxes with only a few of those inflatable balloons around it.  
The drives looks well protected, but the plastic containers looked like they 
could bounce around a lot in the larger boxes.

One box was crumpled on a corner, but there is no visible damage to the drive 
or its plastic container.  I just wondered about having the drives bounce 
around.  I spoke to a friend, though, and he said that as long as the drives 
are powered off, the heads are parked in a very secure manner, so they should 
not get damaged.  That made me feel much better.

I have not even unwrapped the drives yet.  I will do that soon and try them 
out.  It sounds like all should be OK, as long as the drives spin up fine 

The drives were from Tiger Direct.



On Aug 6, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Arno Hautala <a...@alum.wpi.edu> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
> <di...@niehs.nih.gov> wrote:
>> I recently bought a pair of internal 4-TB hard drives from an online vendor. 
>>  It looks like they probably bounced around a lot during shipping.  Should I 
>> expect problems?
> What evedice is there that they bounced around? Damaged external or
> internal packaging? How were they package? Bubble wrap? Cardboard
> padding? If the drives appear physically damaged I'd be tempted to
> just return them outright.
>> That is, if they don't work right from the start, then obviously I should 
>> get them replaced.  But what if they seem to work at first?  My guess is 
>> that it's not a perfect binary situation, where they either are obviously 
>> bad or obviously fine.  Can they be damaged and have the effects of that 
>> damage show up slowly over time?  Is there any simple test (or set of tests) 
>> that I can do right at the beginning, before I deploy them?
> If they spin up you're probably fine. Regardless, you probably have a
> year or two to return them under RMA if anything goes wrong; no
> different than if they arrived in seemingly perfect condition.
> Overall, I'd probably just try them.
> Which vendor?
> -- 
> arno  s  hautala    /-|   a...@alum.wpi.edu
> pgp b2c9d448

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