My wife “loves" using iWeb and once we upgrade her to a new computer (very soon 
now), we’ll likely have to migrate her site from iWeb to another tool.  Her 
site is essentially a large array of over 2,500 photos of designs arranged in 
various categories.  Each photo has an important caption that will need to 
remain intact.

Will she have to rebuild completely from scratch?  What design tool makes it as 
easy as iWeb? Are there exporting tools available?  Or might this be a good 
reason to use the Migration Assistant - which I believe would correctly install 
iWeb on the new machine.  

Eventually she needs to migrate to another tool given iWeb is moribund.  Maybe 
now’s the time.

Hype (which I own)?
Coda (which I own, but I am sure wife doesn’t want to code her website)?
Online tool?

I’d like to avoid a proprietary format, if possible, going forward.  For 
instance, right now, when we look at her photo albums in iWeb’s Domain 
(contents), we don't have “easy” access to the full size images that she 
imported for each category.  And, I don’t see any sort of export feature in 
iWeb to export the images from a photo album. 

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