> On Nov 1, 2014, at 5:45 PM, Neil Laubenthal <n...@laubenthal.net> wrote:
> AFAIK there isn’t anything that will migrate from iWeb.
> It’s not quite as cheap as some of the other options…but for absolutely 
> maximum ease of use then I would take a look at 
> http://squarespace.com…they've <http://squarespace.com…they've> got excellent 
> templates and although you can’t really import from iWeb into anything else 
> it’s a pretty easy way to go.
> My personal travel blog is on Wordpress with a custom domain that I own…but 
> again you’ll have to recreate everything.
> If you want to stay away from proprietary…then WordPress is IMO the best way 
> to go. With Wordpress…you can either create/update pages online or my 
> personal preference is to get a copy of MarsEdit for 35 bucks or so…this 
> allows offline creation/updating/maintenance of pages then everything gets 
> uploaded to the blog itself.
> If she’s got all the photos then creating site at either WP or Squarespace is 
> pretty easy…but getting out of iWeb is essentially impossible and everything 
> will have to be recreated.

Thanks.  Makes sense.
We just had a conversation about this and thought that she'll probably start 
fresh with a new tool and bring only a few legacy designs into the new site 
That won’t be a tremendous amount of work.  She can always link back to the old 
site created by iWeb for historical reference.  So given we are starting fresh 
and don’t want to run into a similar problem 5 years down the line, we 
definitely will take a look at WordPress. BTW: does WP generate responsive 

http://www.kevincallahan.org <http://www.kevincallahan.org/>

>> On Nov 1, 2014, at 7:56 PM, Kevin Callahan <kc...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:kc...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> My wife “loves" using iWeb and once we upgrade her to a new computer (very 
>> soon now), we’ll likely have to migrate her site from iWeb to another tool.  
>> Her site is essentially a large array of over 2,500 photos of designs 
>> arranged in various categories.  Each photo has an important caption that 
>> will need to remain intact.
>> Will she have to rebuild completely from scratch?  What design tool makes it 
>> as easy as iWeb? Are there exporting tools available?  Or might this be a 
>> good reason to use the Migration Assistant - which I believe would correctly 
>> install iWeb on the new machine.  
>> Eventually she needs to migrate to another tool given iWeb is moribund.  
>> Maybe now’s the time.
>> Sandvox?
>> RapidWeaver?
>> Hype (which I own)?
>> Coda (which I own, but I am sure wife doesn’t want to code her website)?
>> Online tool?
>> I’d like to avoid a proprietary format, if possible, going forward.  For 
>> instance, right now, when we look at her photo albums in iWeb’s Domain 
>> (contents), we don't have “easy” access to the full size images that she 
>> imported for each category.  And, I don’t see any sort of export feature in 
>> iWeb to export the images from a photo album. 
>> Suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> -K
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> There are only three kinds of stress; your basic nuclear stress, cooking 
> stress, and A$$hole stress. The key to their relationship is Jello.
> neil

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