How can I force a full time machine backup?

I have several months of time machine history on my drive. I don't want to 
reformat the drive (and lose it all), but I do want to force a full backup. I 
know that there are files that got skipped (thanks for the tmutil compare 
trick), and I strongly suspect that there is garbage on the drive (I got buffer 
underrun errors at one point -- they went away after a power cycle, but I 
suspect that the bits on the backup don't match bits on the main disks).

Apple's engineers said that the disk's UUID is involved in determining a 
matching backup, and implied that if I could find a way to change that, it 
would work. I looked at "tmutil associatedisk", and I wonder if there's a way 
to use that. But they did not have a solution for a way to force a full backup 
without either selecting a new destination, or erasing the old destination.

Anyone out there have a solution?

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