On 2017-04-18 (09:00 MDT), "Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C]" <di...@niehs.nih.gov> 
> Hi,
> I have been using Time Machine for many years, but lately the backups seem to 
> be much larger than usual (i.e., hundreds of MB rather than just a few MB), 
> even when I have not done anything.
> This problem

I wouldn’t say it’s a problem.

> 1. We were forced to switch to Outlook (I had always used Apple Mail before).

That would explain it right there.

> 2. Citrix was installed, so that I could access my work email in Outlook from 
> home.
> Is there some large file

Large? No. Large if you are thinking floppies? Yes.

> (e.g., a database) associated with Outlook that keeps getting updated and 
> thus backed up again and again?


>  If so, what is it called and where is it located?

It used to be in ~/Documents/Outlook but that was years ago. It *SHOULD* be in 
~/Library/Application Support/

> This reminds me of the time when I used Parallels, which kept the virtual 
> Windows machine in a large file and every time something changed in Windows, 
> even something small, the entire large Parallels file would get backed up 
> again in Time Machine.  Eventually I excluded that file from my backups.

By difference between a tens-of-gigabytes file and a db that is a couple 
hundred megs.

> Currently I only backup part of my main system drive.  I exclude 
> /Applications, /Library, and System Files and Applications.  Essentially I 
> just backup my user files.

Backing up Library and System is pretty much a one-time event and makes it much 
easier to restore your computer.

Apple broke AppleScripting signatures in Mail.app, so no random signatures.

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