Oh, this is precious.  I honestly don't know whether or not to feel stupider 
than the guy who programmed this user-hostile UI.

If the window you are trying to retrieve backups for (Finder, Mail, whatever) 
happens to be set to occupy most of the height of the screen, the image of that 
window in Time Machine will COVER the Restore button!  If you make the window 
shorter, then invoke Time Machine, the button is visible.  Similarly, you can 
resize the large window smaller while within Time Machine, and the buttons will 
appear.  Having done so, you can no longer resize the window to cover the 
buttons again… but Time Machine doesn't make the same check at time of 
invocation to determine whether the buttons are covered.

I don't remember which release replaced the "big black bar at the bottom" with 
these modest translucent buttons (probably the same one that removed that 
god-awful remote-service-hostile animated Star Wars background image), but I 
suspect the big black bar never let itself be covered.

Three weeks of coffee duty are strongly indicated for somebody in Cupertino.

> On Jul 23, 2017, at 1:06 PM, Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com> wrote:
> Figuring that all the bugs must be wrung out of Sierra by now, and hearing 
> that High Sierra is getting its final glaze in the oven, I updated all my 
> devices to Sierra yesterday. 
> Today, I desperately needed to recover a half dozen older emails so I could 
> compare their attachments against the current one.  I opened the mailbox, 
> entered Time Machine, selected the messages in question, then caught up short.
> <Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 11.25.02 AM.jpg>
> To wit: click WHAT, WHERE?  
> Yes, this is a full-screen screen shot.
> Clicking the word Restore did nothing.  There was no restore button visible 
> anywhere.  Right click did nothing. Mousing up to where it would be damn nice 
> to have a menu bar appear did nothing.  Hitting return did nothing. Trying 
> the possible keyboard shortcuts of command-R, shift-command-R, and 
> command-option-R did nothing (well, it said "boink"). Attempting to scroll 
> the screen in any direction did nothing.
> Apple has apparently decided for me that I don't NEED no feelthy restore 
> button.
> I looked for this syndrome on the web.  I found one hint that the control bar 
> was often missing if the display was not set to native resolution.  But this 
> is a Mac Mini — there is no standard Apple screen for it, and the one I have 
> is already set to native resolution.  Resetting the resolution did nothing.  
> Screen-sharing to it did nothing.  VNCing to it and going through the 
> standard Apple login did nothing.  And prior to Sierra, I'm pretty sure I've 
> used Time Machine on this machine and screen before and never had this 
> problem.
> I'm fully expecting a fall announcement of a zero-button Apple Wireless 
> Mouse, to complement their new zero-button Time Machine interface.
> At least it's nice to know that my backup data is still safely stored away, 
> right next to the Ark of the Covenant.
> -- 
>   Macs R We -- Personal Macintosh Service and Support
>     in the Wickenburg and far Northwest Valley Areas.
>                             http://macsrwe.com <http://macsrwe.com/>
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