On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com> wrote:

> Lately, Apple has "improved" several such interfaces into total yuckiness.
> For example, the "send mail" action in Automator no longer opens up a new
> message in Mail — instead, it throws up its own little dialog box into
> which you have to type your mail (complete with crippled versions of
> ancillary facilities, like your Contact book, to make creation more
> laborious).  When you submit that, it doesn't send it —  it makes a new
> Mail message out of it, which you then must send "again."  Absolutely
> stupid and redundant.
​Yuck. Well I'm going to just consider this a bug that regressed into a
recent OS update, and will file it with Apple. There don't seem to be many
viable alternatives to their workflow. ​

> When it comes to emailing photos, I've found that the easiest way is just
> to ignore all of the photo app's "helpful" buttons.  If you just drag the
> photo out of the thumbnail window into a new mail message, it indeed
> inserts the full-size version (not just the thumbnail), and you can totally
> control the placement of the photo by where you drop it.  Maybe your Dad
> will prefer doing that.

​True, although the intermediate dialog serves a very important function by
giving you the option to resize all of the inserted options at once, to
make them appropriately sized for email so they don't chew into
recipie​nts' email quotas as much (I've trained Dad not to send so many
full-size images around).

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