Even the simple mode is somewhat obtuse…at least to me. I have not had any 
incidents of needing support so can’t comment there although I have seen more 
complaints about support than one would think there would be. You’re right…he 
does release a lot of updates. 

I wasn’t knocking the software…just passing along what I had read to the OP.

> On Jun 27, 2021, at 10:59 AM, Charles Lindauer <char...@lindauermacs.com> 
> wrote:
> The complexity is because it is a professional grade scanning software. There 
> is a simpler mode. The author releases bug fixes and improvements regularly, 
> usually at least monthly if not more frequently, and I’ve found him to be 
> very responsive to support inquiries. 

There are only three kinds of stress; your basic nuclear stress, cooking 
stress, and A$$hole stress. The key to their relationship is Jello.


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