Thanks to all for the suggestions The winner was "EasyRes," free from the App 

The "headless dongle" approach was interesting, but wouldn't work because this 
mini is in fact wired to an HDMI switch, it just doesn't "own the (common) 
screen" except in manual emergencies.

> On Dec 20, 2022, at 12:06 AM, Macs R We <> wrote:
> I have a headless Mini server. When I have to interact with it, I use Screen 
> Sharing from another Mac. 
> If the Mini has rebooted in the meanwhile, it always comes up in "default" 
> resolution, where the windows all hodgepodge overlap one another. I have to 
> manually go to Display Preferences and choose the 1920 x 1080 resolution of 
> the screen used in conjunction with it. I have to do this every time.
> I am looking for a way to get the Mini to assert this resolution at boot 
> time, or account login time, either would work.
> I tried making an Applescript, but apparently you can't record things you do 
> in System Preferences.
> Looking on the web, I found editing 
> /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/, which looked 
> great, except in recent releases it's SIP-protected and so can't be edited.
> Does anybody have any suggestions?
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