[While I do read this list, I may miss things, so if you expect an
answer from Bare Bones please do send the question to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Sometimes I get tied up writing code and don't
read lost of list mail.]

On 5:41 PM 4/21/01 Forest Dean Feighner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it possible to pass BBEdit flags when running a perl script?

I don't think so if I understand the question correctly.

> I've been playing around with a perl script called swigs.pl and it
> requires additional input to run correctly.
> ./swigs.pl -t Templates Pictures Gallery

If you are running the script in the context of a BBEdit include,
certain environment variables are set up for you.

If you need to pass arbitrary arguments at some other time, then you
can't do it directly right now.  Please write this up as a feature
request and send it to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     <http://web.barebones.com>

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