Is it possible to pass BBEdit flags when running a perl script?

I've been playing around with a perl script called and it 
requires additional input to run correctly.

./ -t Templates Pictures Gallery

the -t option passes the location of my html Templates to the perl 
script, Pictures are my raw images, and Gallery is destination directory 
where the perl script writes to.

As expected, thanks to the care of the author, when I run the script I 
source_dir and target_dir are required [-o [src]] [-p] [-h] [-t template_dir] source_dir target_dir
   -o Tells script to use only one copy of image
      Optional src is one of scaled (default), copied, custom
   -t template_dir, specify location of templates
   -p use order prefix rule
   -h print this help message

P.S. Man it is great to have BB again!!

Many Thanks

     Forest Dean Feighner

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