thanks again ken 

> >i have now installed perl 5.6.1.
> >(something is definetely broken somewhere but im not sure whether this
> >problem is actually macintosh specific, hence post to both lists)
> >
> >note the error lines in the first make which all point to source
> >code-lines looking
> >exactly like this:
> >dTHR;

> Ken Williams wrote:
> Did you build perl 5.6.1 with threading?  I don't know whether anyone's
> reported that to work yet.  It's still an experimental feature.

did i build perl 5.6.1 with threading?  i dont know to be honest.
all i did really was following the instructions as on
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00150.html
  unsetenv LC_ALL
  unsetenv LANG
as per your own recommendations in earlier post.
(afterwards i rebulit all the nesecary modules for mod_perl)

> >%> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20/src DO_HTTPD=1

> Ken Williams wrote:
> Last time I tried, I couldn't get APACI to work on OS X when building
> mod_perl.  Try with just:
>  perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20/src EVERYTHING=1 PERL_TRACE=1

i get same results regardless which of these two methods i use.

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