On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 12:21:11AM -0400, David H. Adler wrote:
> Since some of the tests failed, I went to the t/ directory to run ./perl
> harness, as it suggests.  This gave me:
>       Perl lib version (v5.6.1) doesn't match executable version (v5.6.0) at
>       ../lib/Config.pm line 21.
> Huh?  I go to check the perl that's in there and...
>       localhost% cd perl-5.6.1/t/
>       localhost% ./perl -v
>       This is perl, v5.6.0 built for darwin

I had exactly the same problem.  And I approached it just the same way
you did.  After the second recompile, I decided just to go for it.  It
worked; I'm now running Perl 5.6.1.

Also, I had *five* problems in making test.  The fifth (the one nobody
else seemed to have) was in op/stat, test 4.  I'm installing on UFS; are
most people installing onto HFS?

/usr/bin/perl -e '$a=hmiaticlttqop;@b=qw;//xyz/ xy@xyz 4321282;;($n,$b
,$c)=($a ^pack h26, C0C0F1800110202001A52100D1)=~m;(.{5})(.{4})(.{4});
;$r=qq;\u$n "Cogent" \u$b \n;;$i=-1;map{$r.=q;<;;$j=-1,$i++;while(++$j
<length$a){$r.=substr$a,$i +$j*( 2-$i%2*2+2),1;}$r.=q;:;;s;x;$n;g;s;y;
$b;ge;s;z;$c;g;$r.=$_;$r.=q;> ;;}@b;print qq;$r\n;;' # New!  Improved!

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