An optimistic thought, indeed. This assumes, of course, that your RAID
setup never gets hosed, that users never delete a file they need, your
site never suffers a fire, etc.

We do mirroring, and rotate backups offsite. Not everyone needs to
exercise that level of paranoia, but we do.

And, it's even possible to have both sides of a mirror fail at once. It
even happened to me once. (OK, we were using Micropolis drives, so maybe
we got what we deserved, but still.)

I concur with some people's assessment that Mac OS X should include at
least some primitive backup solution that writes to tape (at least in
the server version). Though I am happy they include RAID software, it's
not necessarily enough for everyone.

All that said, I saw a perl script once that (tarw) on
that purports to handle backups. Can't say much else about it (like
whether is solves any of the problems posed), but at least I get to
mention perl in this thread.

John Gilmore-Baldwin

> ----------
> From:         Cranz, Gregory
> Sent:         Monday, October 8, 2001 2:52 PM
> To:   Cranz, Gregory; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:      RE: slightly off topic - looking for backup solution
> OS 10.1 includes SoftRAID.
> For disaster recovery, mirror your drives & do hardware redundancy.
> Aliases
> will no longer be an issue, and you will not have to restore your
> data.
> Just go buy a new drive mechanism when you hose one.
> - gregor42

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