On Wednesday, January 9, 2002, at 06:57 PM, Charles Albrecht wrote:

> At 6:34 PM -0600 1/9/2002, Chris Devers wrote:
>> I created that script by pasting from one Terminal window's email 
>> client
>> to another's Vim editor, so the line endings got screwed up while 
>> passing
>> through the system clipboard. Should OSX Perl be more tolerant of this
>> sort of thing? Pasting isn't exactly an unusual operation...
> Terminal should be more clever with this. It's got an optional pref for
> "Translate newlines to carriage returns when pasting," I'm not sure if
> it would help in this case. I'm unable to get the same behavior
> when pasting into vi, so it might be an issue with Vim - it may have
> assumed you wanted things saved with CR instead of LF. Actually,
> considering the fact that you got output from cat on separate lines,
> rather than crammed onto one, vim may have saved it with CRLF.

How is Terminal supposed to know what kind of line endings you want?  I 
create lots of text files in both formats.  I don't think the solution 
lies in fixing anything about Terminal.  I think I agree with Chris, it 
would be nice if perl were a little more agnostic about line endings in 
its scripts.

Actually, I think perhaps later perls already do this?  I've heard of 
such a thing, anyway, but I'm not sure whether/when it's been done.


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