On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, John Gruber wrote:

> (BBEdit is about as agnostic about
> line endings as an editor can get.)

Vim is pretty agnostic too -- it'll just optionally put a little [dos] or
[mac] or [unix] in the corner if you ask it to -- but that's not really
the core issue here. I mean, what *is* the default line terminator on OSX
supposed to be? It seems like half the software, the old Classic stuff, is
making one assumption while the other hald, the old NeXT stuff, is making
the opposite assumption, with a small agnostic middle ground. 

If OSX "is" Unix, then it either needs to adopt Unix line endings (and the
Classic stuff will just have to Deal With It), or it the installed set of
Unix tools should be adapted to recognize Mac endings. Or something. 

Unfortunately, this problem doesn't seem like it will be going away any
time soon....

Chris Devers

"People with machines that think, will in times of crisis, 
make up stuff and attribute it to me" - "Nikla-nostra-debo"

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