
I have realized that GDBM_File may not be used unless perl is 
reinstalled on my system after installing gdbm.

I have installed gdbm and am at the stage where I am reinstalling perl 

I have followed at the instructions at 

I did get perl-5.6.1.tar.gz
untared it
cd perl-5.6.1
perl -i.bak -p -e 's|Local/Library|Library|g' hints/darwin.sh
sh Configure -des -Dfirstmakefile=GNUmakefile -Dldflags="-flat_namespace"

At make I get at the end:

         Making utilities
.../miniperl -I../lib c2ph.PL
Extracting c2ph (with variable substitutions)
Linking c2ph to pstruct.
.../miniperl -I../lib h2ph.PL
Extracting h2ph (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib h2xs.PL
Extracting h2xs (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib perlbug.PL
Extracting perlbug (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib perldoc.PL
Extracting perldoc (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib pl2pm.PL
Extracting pl2pm (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib splain.PL
Extracting splain (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib perlcc.PL
Extracting perlcc (with variable substitutions)
.../miniperl -I../lib dprofpp.PL
Extracting dprofpp (with variable substitutions)

         Making x2p stuff
You haven't done a "make depend" yet!
*** Error code 1

Stop in /Users/Shared/Downloads/perl-5.6.1/x2p.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /Users/Shared/Downloads/perl-5.6.1.

This all seems bizarre because in the previous step nake depend was run:
Updating GNUmakefile...
test -s perlmain.c && touch perlmain.c
cd x2p; make depend
sh ../makedepend MAKE=make
echo hash.c  str.c util.c walk.c | tr ' ' '\n' >.clist
Finding dependencies for hash.o.
Finding dependencies for str.o.
Finding dependencies for util.o.
Finding dependencies for walk.o.
echo Makefile.SH cflags.SH | tr ' ' '\n' >.shlist
Updating GNUmakefile...
Now you must run 'make'.

What shall I do?

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