My Programming Perl book says that profiling results should be forgiven 
some inaccuracies, but these numbers don't even seem close.  Can 
somebody explain that top function below to me?  An average call time of 
0.0002 times 175353 calls doesn't get anywhere near 4000 seconds the way 
I do math.  What am I not getting here?

Total Elapsed Time = 3810.790 Seconds
   User+System Time = 3800.240 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
  110.   4204. 3956.0 175353   0.0002 0.0002  General::match
  8.09   307.2 4138.0    924   0.3325 4.4784  General::restrict
  0.58   21.95 21.957    924   0.0238 0.0238  General::free
  0.27   10.31 134.30   7195   0.0014 0.0187  General::total
  0.26   9.735 13.431      1   9.7353 13.430  General::parse
  0.14   5.472  3.365 145820   0.0000 0.0000  General::to_clean_number
  0.08   3.027 4338.1  10509   0.0003 0.4128  General::translate
  0.07   2.815 4300.0     57   0.0494 75.439  General::fill
  0.02   0.689  0.654  11909   0.0001 0.0001  General::lookup
  0.01   0.459  0.459     57   0.0081 0.0081  General::make_text
  0.01   0.359  0.254   7310   0.0000 0.0000  General::to_pretty_number
  0.01   0.350  0.349     58   0.0060 0.0060  General::count_lines
  0.00   0.060  0.043   1170   0.0001 0.0000  General::case
  0.00   0.030  0.057     25   0.0012 0.0023  General::BEGIN
  0.00   0.020  0.017    181   0.0001 0.0001  File::Spec::Unix::canonpath


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