I spent some time recently on Mac::Types, Mac::Memory, and 
Mac::Resources, and got all three to compile and pass minimal tests 
on 10.1.3 (OK, more than minimal: I'm now able to ditch MacPerl 
entirely for my last Carbon-dependent script). I've made patches 
available at

These modules aren't incredibly useful except as a foundation for 
other modules, but I hope that these patches will help other 
interested perl-mongers to get started with Carbon-Perl projects.

It's probably time that SourceForge had a Carbon Perl Modules 
project, feeding into CPAN. But I'm a relative novice at XS, and even 
more ignorant of Carbon, so I'm hoping that some more capable 
developers will have time and interest, too. Are the MacPerl 
developers still uninterested, as http://macperl.sf.net/ suggests?

Here's a question for general discussion:

* should these modules continue to be known as Mac::Foo, so that we 
can aim for source portability between OS9 and OSX?

* or should they become Mac::Carbon::Foo so that the non-Carbon cruft 
can be removed?

* or should they become Carbon::Foo, in case Carbon ever makes it on 
non-Mac platforms?

Personally I lean toward the first option, since I have scripts that 
I'd like to be able to run on OS9 and OSX without modifications. 

-- Mike

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