Alex Sleeis wrote:

>I am not sure, but I think the recent security update broke my 
>mod_perl/Apache coexistance.

funny you say that... in my case, things actually started working _after_
the security update. But, read on...

>The symtom:  Apache doesn't start.  No errors in the error_log, 
>no real complaints on the command line (with apachectl start); 

exactly the same symptoms for me. No errors, nothing... just wouldn't start.
But, here is where it gets truly mysterious. I would comment out the
mod_perl lines, and restart Apache... it would start. Then I would uncomment
the mod_perl lines, and restart, and it would restart... go figure.

>I traced it down to the AddModule mod_perl.c line.  Assuming 
>all other mod_perl directives are commented out (PerlRequire, 
>etc), commenting out the AddModule line lets Apache start up.  
>The only uncommented line in reference to mod_perl is LoadModule 

actually, the AddModule and the LoadModule lines go hand-in-hand. Dunno why
this is so, but if you comment one, you have to comment the other also...
and vice versa. Afaik, that is what you are doing wrong.

Anyway, all that said, yesterday I installed the security update, and since
then Apache with mod_perl is now working fine... Apache has been updated for
me from 1.3.22 to 1.3.23 (I think).

I know this doesn't help you much, but maybe it will give some insights.


Puneet Kishor

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