At 9:39 +0000 24/6/02, Tor Hildrum wrote:

>  > Somewhere around test 85 the Mac crashes badly.  Even from user mode.
>That is strange. The kernel shouldn't really panic, unless you where running
>this process in kernel space. Trying to access an I/O port or
>hardware-mapped memory shouldn't give you a kernel panic from user space.
>The kernel should just reject it, and send a signal to your process.

Yeah, that was my thoughts!

>I think you have to use a device driver.
>Or you need to make your script run in kernel space, you can't access any HW
>from user space.

Yes and no.  You're right, I didn't have a driver, the Belkin serial 
ports aren't supported under Mac OS X, so there was in fact no serial 
port available at all.

This still begs the question how can a user process running the Perl 
Device::Serial test scripts completely crash the Mac.  But at the end 
of the day, it isn't going to work anyway because I don't have any 
serial ports (I was confused because I can actually access the serial 
ports as USB devices under Virtual PC from Windows!).

On another Mac with a built in serial port I am just reading/writing 
from /dev/cu.modem and it is working fine.
<>  <>

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