>You they *will* be releasing an article on installing Perl 5.8, then you
>said you haven't tested it on 10.1 yet, so that implies you have access to
>the article. So where is it? Do you work for Apple? (Is that why you posted
>that 'Note' at the end? ;-).

I wrote the article for Apple, yes. I don't work for or represent them.

>Hey that's great, so can I just `sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Perl` or will
>that chunk up my system somehow?

You could, yes, if that 14 megs was just

>"DOS"?! Ugh... is that really what they call it instead of a CLI?

No, that's what I called it. It was an exaggeration - long time Mac users
probably encountered a DOS command line more then they encountered a Linux
command line. It was a metaphoric jump. Ignore me.

>Well, if you have a GUI-loving CLI-hater, then why couldn't you kill two
>birds with one stone by just mapping Apple's hyper-mneumonic directory
>layout onto the standard BSD locations via soft links?

That implies an "alias", and an "alias" is something a user can supposedly
delete. If a user deleted an alias (either by authenticating as the "root"
user - also a matter of discontent with long time Mac users, "I'm the only
user on the machine! Why can't I delete this freakin' file!"), then the
user should be able to easily recreate it at any time. Since a Mac alias
and a symlink are two different things, the user still would need a world
of knowledge (one, to find out that a symlink and an alias are different,
two, to find out that there's BSD  underneath, and three, to find out how
to create a symlink in the first place).

Morbus Iff ( were you a community theatre satan? )
Culture: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.gamegrene.com/
Tech: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779 - articles and weblog
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / jabber.org: morbus

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