>Apple updated their own copy in an update. Would you use your copy and
 >perhaps some of its libraries? This is the main reason I've decided to
 >keep my entire Perl installation in /usr/local, including all of its
 >modules. Apple's Perl can stay right where it is, Apple can do what it
 >wants to it via its OS upgrades, and I don't worry about it.

True. If Apple updated their Perl in the same way as in the past, 
/usr/bin/perl (which, per the article, is a copy of the same Perl installed 
in /usr/local/bin/perl) would be wiped out. That new binary would also 
reenable /System/Library/Perl support. If the Apple install is 
wipe/replace, then it would also trash your installed modules under 

 >One other thing I noticed is that you use XML::Parser as an example
 >CPAN module to install. If you are indeed installing Perl on a clean
 >Jaguar install, this will likely fail, as you haven't installed Expat
 >yet. Also, if and when you *do* install Expat, and you install it in
 >/usr/local Perl won't be able to find it, because the /usr/local/lib
 >and /usr/local/include directories didn't exist when you installed
 >Perl. I found this out the hard way myself.

Argh. I coulda swore I used HTML::Parser as an example instead of 
XML::Parser for the exact same reason you mention here. I *know* there's 
extra magick needed for an XML::Parser install, and I'm surprised I used 
such a bum example as this. I'll see if I can get it fixed.

 >And finally, in the final section, you discuss CGI. I think it would be
 >important to remind users that, if they're running Apple's Apache, then
 >their CGI scripts will be run under Perl 5.6.0, not 5.8.0. Although you
 >mention earlier that Apache will need to be recompiled, the CGI section
 >should be more explicit about this, IMO.

That'd only be the case if the user was running the
scripts under mod_perl - normal CGI scripts won't be affected.

Morbus Iff ( i'm the droid you're looking for )
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