Axpoint ( looks like a winner on the "how do I 
make cool slides without Powerpoint" front, but it does not seem to 
be the easiest perl module to install under Mac OS X 10.2, because
of its various dependencies on XML modules that depend in turn on
other things...

In particular, you have to install libiconv, but when I did that
(libiconv-1.8, in case it matters), I was still getting unresolved
symbols errors from the module that wanted libiconv.  And then
there's the issue of installing a (binary-only?) version of pdflib,
although that's apparently now a Fink package.  [My issue with 
pdflib was that the install process on Mac OS X seemed to consist of 
doing a sloppy copy without any package management.]

So the question is, does anybody have Axpoint running on Jaguar, and
if so, was there any magic involved beyond having iconv and pdflib
installed first?  And, given that the newest version of CPAN (or
Bundle::CPAN) really, really wants you to upgrade to Perl 5.8.0, is
the cleanest and best way to do this just to get a solid (albeit
nominally unstable) Fink installation going first, get Perl 5.8.0
(and libiconv and pdflib) running in the Fink world, and then try 
getting Axpoint and friends to use that Perl?

Thanks for any hints on this.  I have installed dozens and dozens of 
CPAN modules in the past under Linux, but Jaguar is new to me and 
just different enough to be annoying for this kind of thing.


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