hello again,

so i got pdflib to build with the perl bindings... it seems that fink sets
CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to /sw/lib or something and this causes the package to
look for external zlibs... so just do an unsetenv on them, and it should
compile (with the exception of tcl, which we know is broken from their web

hope this helps..

david donovan

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, David Donovan wrote:

> hello jking,
> I too am having difficulty getting AxPoint to build... I did get libiconv
> linked however... the problem is in the Text::Iconv perl module..
> you need to hack the Makefile.Pl file like so (assuming you have your
> fink stuff in /sw):
> use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
> # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
> # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
> WriteMakefile(
>     'NAME'         => 'Text::Iconv',
>     'VERSION_FROM' => 'Iconv.pm', # finds $VERSION
>     'LIBS'         => ['-liconv'],   # e.g., '-lm'
>     'DEFINE'       => '',     # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
>     'INC'          => '-I/sw/include',     # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
>     'dist'         => {COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => 'gz'},
> );
>  The critical lines are the 'LIBS' and the 'INC'
> lines.  These tell the module where to look for the c iconv stuff.
> After you do this, you should be able to build XML::SAX and
> XML::SAX::Writer (after Text::Iconv).
> Now my problem is I can't get the damn pdflibs to build (from
> www.pdflib.com). Well, I can get the C libs to build, but fink does:
> configure --prefix=/sw --with-zlibs --with-pnglibs --with-tifflibs,
> but using external zlibs and pnglibs automagically turns off the ability
> to build the perl bindings.  So if you do configure without, and then make
> you get the following message:
> ./libtool --silent --mode=link gcc  -o
> libpdf.la -rpath /sw/lib -version-info 2:3:1 ../pdflib/libpdf_.la
> ../png/libpng.la  ../tiff/libtiff.la ../flate/libz.la -L/sw/lib -framework
> CoreServices -framework ApplicationServices      -export-dynamic -lm
> ld: ../pdflib/.libs/libpdf_.al(p_stream.lo) illegal reference to symbol:
> _deflate defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library
> /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> make[1]: *** [libpdf.la] Error 1
> make: *** [pdflib] Error 2
> which really pisses me off, because the zlib and the pnglib which come
> with pdflib actually build and work, but those -framework flags include
> /usr/lib and bugger things up.  but it seems like the thing can't find
> it's internal zlib and pnglib.
> I've installed the binary versions (I have no idea how they compiled it),
> but if you use their built perl module, you get a "www.pdflib.com"
> watermark across the page (they want you to buy a licenses to use the
> binary versions, even though the source is open).  though it does
> work. grr..
> I've posted to the pdflib yahoo group, so if I hear anything I'll pass it
> along to you.  But if you have any idea how to wack some sense into the
> configure/Makefiles please let me know.
> aloha,
> david
> --- you wrote: -----
> >Axpoint (axpoint.axkit.org) looks like a winner on the "how do I make
> cool slides without Powerpoint" front, but it does not seem to be the
> easiest perl module to install under Mac OS X 10.2, because of its various
> dependencies on XML modules that depend in turn on other things... In
> particular, you have to install libiconv, but when I did that
> (libiconv-1.8, in case it matters), I was still getting unresolved symbols
> errors from the module that wanted libiconv. And then there's the issue of
> installing a (binary-only?) version of pdflib, although that's apparently
> now a Fink package. [My issue with pdflib was that the install process on
> Mac OS X seemed to consist of doing a sloppy copy without any package
> management.] So the question is, does anybody have Axpoint running on
> Jaguar, and if so, was there any magic involved beyond having iconv and
> pdflib installed first? And, given that the newest version of CPAN (or
> Bundle::CPAN) really, really wants you to upgrade to Perl 5.8.0, is the
> cleanest and best way to do this just to get a solid (albeit nominally
> unstable) Fink installation going first, get Perl 5.8.0 (and libiconv and
> pdflib) running in the Fink world, and then try getting Axpoint and
> friends to use that Perl? Thanks for any hints on this. I have installed
> dozens and dozens of CPAN modules in the past under Linux, but Jaguar is
> new to me and just different enough to be annoying for this kind of thing.
> jking

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