On Thursday, Oct 24, 2002, at 11:03 US/Pacific, Lou Moran wrote:
Not the case with my stuff. I have a second drive that I have installed all my apps to (except the ones that insist on being in /Applications) so that saved a lot of time. I also kept my mail and > my
/Documents folder (although I don't save my documents there but iTunes seems to). But I ended up resetting nearly every preference. My guess is that they live in ~/Library or something.
They do indeed, at least for the well behaving apps! ~/Library is *supposed* to be where that sort of stuff is kept (look in ~/Library/Preferences for preferences specifically). ~/Library (same for /Library) is where most things that a user wouldn't normally modify by hand are kept (not that there are not very good reasons to occasionally modify these things).

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Daniel C. Stillwaggon

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