I had the same problems. The readme talks about other required modules and then those 
talk about others. It's a recursive exercise apparently done for us in the MacPerl 
world. (Thanks Chris)

After a couple of hours I found my way thru CPAN getting one missing module at a time. 
It appears that the warning messages just point out things you can install afterwards 
though. The URI and HeadParser aka the HTML module are pretty much required. Base64 
and FTP seem not to be used for LWP::simple.

At 10:50 +0100 10/30/02, Tom Holland wrote:
>Warning: prerequisite HTML::HeadParser failed to load:.
>Warning: prerequisite MIME::Base64 failed to load:3.
>Warning: prerequisite Net::FTP failed to load:
>Warning: prerequisite URI failed to load:


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

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