Actually Chuck sent this to me. This is one of those lists that has a hangup about 
changing the reply to: header so that it defaults to the list.

Someday I'll learn about bundles but as of now it's up to someone else to answer.

And - while were at it? Is there a document somewhere that talks about just where 
modules ought to be installed. I can find no evidence of /site-perl/ on my system and 
there are at least three /Library/ folders buried in the perl zoo. The make-install 
procedures seem to have a mind of their own and I have no idea where things are going.

At 16:38 -0500 10/30/02, Chuck Jacobson wrote:
>My understanding (possibly wrong) is that if there is a budle available (i.e. 
>Bundle::LWP) that will install any needed prereqs too. Is this correct? I just 
>installed Bundle::Slash and it seemed to download all the necessary modules.
>BTW, if anyone has Slash going on their system please email me. I have it installed 
>and would like some advice on how to set it up. Thanks!
>Chuck Jacobson, Technical Systems Specialist
>North Central Baptist Church, Gainesville, FL

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multiply it by 4 to get your share in dollars. <--

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