At 1:54 PM -0500 10/31/02, Jim Correia wrote:
I'm confused by your wording of "other HFS+ file attributes" when
the only example you give is the comment, which by your own
admission isn't an HFS+ file attribute.
I think you're using a more specific meaning of "attribute" than I am.
What I meant was something along the lines of "system-supported data
and metadata", including a panoply of characteristics such as comments,
modes, creation dates, etc.  (This is consistent with the definition of
"attribute" that you would find in a dictionary, but it doesn't have
the specific meaning that "HFS+ file attribute" has.)

As far as I can tell, all HFS+ attributes are "shared" because they
really are the same file.  To do otherwise would break the definition
of hard link, wouldn't it?
Well, I think that by creating a "Comments" area and only partially
binding it to the file, OSX has already done this.  I'm interested in
knowing what other "partially bound" metadata is lurking around...

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