        I have had that problem several times and I figured out there could be
one of two problems.
1) Hidden Mac endings in your script (\r) when it should be unix (\n)
2) Executing in Mac is ./script_name

With regards to the first problem, if you edit the file in vi or emacs, then you
should be okay. If you edit the file in BBedit, then you have to go and choose
one of the options that saves with Unix endings. I don't know what you do in
other editors.

With regard to command execution. Unlike the flavors of Unix that I am familiar
with, Unix requires a specification on where the command is thus ./

Good Luck,
Will DeShazer

-----Original Message-----
From: San Tunstall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 10:48 PM
Subject: No output (Newbie question)

Hi folks,

I've searched the archives but can't find an answer to this question.

I've run perl scripts from DOS and cygwin but cannot get a basic hello 
world script to work on my Mac.

#! line, permissions on the script, location of perl, etc. seem to be 
ok. But when I try to run a script I get no result. No error message, 
no "hello world" printed to the terminal. Tried redirecting output to a 
file, but file was empty.

When I try to run perl interactively, it starts up as a process, but I 
get no error messages when I type nonsense and no output to the 
terminal when I enter simple print commands.

perl, v5.6.0
osx 10.2

Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

Much obliged

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