À (At) 11:38 -0500 16/12/02, Chris Nandor écrivait (wrote) :
In article <p05200f0bba23a385de61@[]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Emmanuel. M. Decarie) wrote:

 ¿ (At) 18:07 -0500 14/12/02, Chris Nandor Ècrivait (wrote) :
 >Could you search your system headers for "keyReplyPortAttr"?

 > Hmm, not sure what you are saying here. I just know basic C and I'm
 not familiar with the Carbon framework. Where are my system headers?

 > I tried that though:
 % grep -r "keyReplyPortAttr"  /System/Library/Frameworks/*

 But it take forever to run. If you give me more details, I'll try again.
Yes, it could take forever.  :-)  I am not sure how to better narrow it
down, though.  Maybe use find(1) to look for *.h files.
Ok, I'll see what I can do.

 > MacPerl/t/MacPerl.t line 40.
 MacPerl/t/MacPerl..............ok 10/13#     Failed test
 (MacPerl/t/MacPerl.t at line 88)
 #          got: '2'
 #     expected: '3'
 MacPerl/t/MacPerl..............ok 12/13# Looks like you failed 1
tests of 13.
          Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
 DIED. FAILED test 11
          Failed 1/13 tests, 92.31% okay
Weird.  Are you sure you clicked Cancel?
I think so, but I have no proofs of it :)

 > Processes/t/Processes..........ok
          2/6 skipped: No parent
Odd.  You ran this on the local machine from Terminal.app?
No I'm using GLterm. Terminal is not very user good on OS X 10.1.5. I
hope it get better on Jaguar.

Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript - XML  <http://scriptdigital.com/>

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