On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 03:02  PM, David H. Adler wrote:
So, of course, I'm having problems installing things with 5.8.0.

I realized that the whole fink issue is my problem.  Sadly, fink has
gone all to hell, somehow.  I'm getting 'Basepath not set in config file
"/sw/etc/fink.conf"!'  when I try to do anything with fink.  Apparently
my fink.conf got filled with a bunch of mp3 info, rather than actual
fink info (I have *no* idea how that happened).
Heh. =)

So, a) anyone have any idea how to grow a new, workable fink.conf?
    b) If I rebuild Storable in fink, isn't it now not going to work for
    the /usr/bin/perl (i.e. 5.6.0 from apple)?
Right, you need two different versions of Storable, one for 5.6.x, and the other for 5.8.x.

    c) Wouldn't this all work better if the perl scripts fink uses just
    used a '-I /sw/lib/perl5' themselves?
That's supposed to be set with a "setenv PERL5LIB ..." at login time, which happens if you put "source /sw/bin/init.csh" in your .login file.


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