This article was essential when I tried to install Oracle on my machine:

"DBD::Oracle on OS X Success!"
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg14864.html


At 1:04 AM -0600 1/19/03, Alan Sill wrote:

Tried similar things, with similar results. I followed all of the instructions in

and finally got things to the point that perl -v would return 5.8.0 and all seemed well.

Ran the CPAN shell and updated itself (CPAN) successfully, and then went on to some other things (DBI, DBD-Oracle, etc.).

Everything seems to install OK, but if I try (after setting my ORACLE_HOME correctly to point to the Developer Release of Oracle too do the DBD::ORacle installation, I get errors at the make test stage like the following:

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap

Anyone have any idea as to what is going on? All tests in the make test stage of DBD::Oracle fail, although the previous make command seemed to go OK.

David Wood wrote:
On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 04:42  PM, Morbus Iff wrote:

 >    khsmith% sudo perl -MCPAN -eshell
    dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
    Trace/BPT trap
As per the article, under the "Preparation" portion:

If, after the installation, you get warnings about missing symbols, you
probably have an old version of Perl (or parts of one) in /Library/Perl.
These undefined symbols existed in pre-5.8.0 versions. For more
information on this issue, check out perldelta.

with a link to: perldelta.html#mac%20os%20x%20dyld%20undefined%20symbols

As a matter of fact, I'm having similar problems, with significant differences. Lemme get some obligatories out of the way here...

500 MHz PowerBook G4, 20Gb HD total (about 2.3Gb free), 512Mb memory, running OS 10.2.3, and with a hand-compiled Perl 5.8.0 and Apple's X11 beta, blah blah blah...

I have a very similar problem with Perl doing untoward crashy things because of undefined symbols. However, I can run the CPAN just fine. I'm having my problems with, among other things, GIMP, which has some Perl calls in it which crash *consistently*.

I tried deleting the libperl.dyld, I tried renaming it, I tried deleting every bundle in /System/Library/Perl/*.

As a last resort, I tried "sudo mv /System/Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl-Old" and redid the "sudo make install" to create a *new* Perl directory. Same problem all over again. Bleh.

Could the problem have anything to do with the dyld search paths, which the make process griped about for no fathomable reason?


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gallivanting around the universe in Pfhor attack ships, can we?"
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