On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 00:14:30 -0900, "Dennis Stout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sheesh.
> Wil ya'll just help a man with a perl problem instead of battering him with
> other ways to do it?

At least one of these lists is a beginners list, the other is related to Mac OS X 
which the question really wasn't (other than I figure he is running Apache on OS X), 
this is not a contract out free coding list, my original post suggested a better 
overall system, that is to split the log with Apache (as it is easier to put them back 
together again than to take them apart).  My post also offered several suggestions of 
how the task would be best handled within a perl script.
> Sometimes people like ot pose a challenge to themselves and see if it can be
> done.

Right, which is what my last paragraph alluded to, I suggested splitting on each of 
the lines and catching the vhost, then printing that line to a separate file, but 
without first trying and then asking further questions about how to do this I am not 
going to offer up a solution, as that would defeat the purpose of a challenge.

> Instead of being counterproductive and refering peopel to other things, help
> the man!

See above. This message hasn't been all that productive for the original poster, and 
while I am not easily discouraged, this could suggest that the help offered (myself 
and the others) (freely - beer and speech) was not appreciated and may keep other 
posters from offering advice on how best to do something rather than on how a poster 
*is* doing something, which would be the most counterproductive.


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