On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, rich allen wrote:

> is there anyway to connect from Mac OS X to mssql?

Is ODBC an option? There's ODBC support in OSX itself, which you might be
able to tap into [?], and you can also try DBD::ODBC, which I'd imagine
would be the Right Way to do it. Asking CPAN.pm about /ODBC/, I also see:

  Distribution    J/JM/JMAHAN/iodbc_ext_0_1.tar.gz
  Distribution    J/JU/JURL/DBD-ODBC-1.04.tar.gz
  Distribution    R/RK/RKIES/UnixODBC-0.19.tar.gz
  Module          DBD::ODBC       (J/JU/JURL/DBD-ODBC-1.04.tar.gz)
  Module          DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC (T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.35.tar.gz)
  Module          DBIx::Record::Format::ODBC::MSAccess   
  Module          RDBAL::Layer::ODBC (B/BR/BRIAN/RDBAL-1.2.tar.gz)
  Module          UnixODBC        (R/RK/RKIES/UnixODBC-0.19.tar.gz)
  Module          UnixODBC::BridgeServer (R/RK/RKIES/UnixODBC-0.19.tar.gz)
  Module          Win32::ODBC     (Contact Author Dave Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
  Module          iodbc           (J/JM/JMAHAN/iodbc_ext_0_1.tar.gz)

Which also seems to mean UnixODBC and iodbc, of which I don't know enough
to make any recommendations or offer any warnings.

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

redo, n.
A single key or command that lets you quickly repeat the previous error.

    -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

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