On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 09:58 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:

Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
  this, to me, is the most jarring
  thing about LoTR...

I found the absence of Tom Bombadil fairly jarring, as well. The whole episode with the barrow-wights ties in to a fascinating backstory.

I can understand why that part was cut for the theatrical release - it's not directly related to the main plot, and it would have lengthened an already-long movie considerably. It would have been nice if it had been part of the extended DVD release, though.

* Spoiler warning, for the two people who haven't read the books! *

The barrow-wights were the restless spirits of the men betrayed and slain by one of the nine Nazgul - the one that, in RotK, is hamstrung by a weapon found by Merry or Pippin (I forget which) when the hobbits were trapped in a barrow.

As I said, it's a fascinating backstory, and evidence of the huge amount of work that Tolkien put into the history of his world. Was it simple, blind luck that led the hobbits to that ancient cache of weapons? Or, was it the invisible hand of Justice, or an act of vengeance from beyond the grave?

Another jarring omission - Galadriel didn't give Sam a box of soil from Lothlorien, or a seed from one of its trees. That doesn't bode well for the end of the third movie - In the books, Sam uses those gifts to rebuild the Shire after it's ravaged by Saruman. It makes me suspect that the whole "Scouring of the Shire" segment is going to go the way of Tom Bombadil.

Still - credit where it's due. Jackson & Company have created a much better adaptation than Bakshi & Company did. ;-)

I'm using CPAN, the errors come when trying to compile DBD::Pg.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. ;-)

Two possibilities come to mind:

One possibility is that one of DBD::Pg's prerequisites were compiled under 5.6.

The other, more likely, possibility is that Makefile.PL needs some help finding the PostgreSQL libraries. As it says in the DBD::Pg README file, it uses App::Info by default, but you can also set the environment variables POSTGRES_INCLUDE, POSTGRES_LIB, and/or POSTGRES_HOME to spell it out. You'll also need to set the DBI_DSN, DBI_USER, and DBI_PASS environment variables for the tests - but it doesn't sound as if the install is getting far enough to try to run those yet.

If you've installed PostgreSQL using Fink, the latter is a likely suspect, as the PG libraries would be under /sw/lib - which is not one of the "normal" places to find them. Lots of Perl modules that depend on Fink-installed libraries can get tripped up that way.

The easiest way I've found to deal with this sort of problem is to use CPAN's "look Module::Name" command. That downloads the module, unpacks it, and opens a shell in its build directory. You can then run "perl Makefile.PL" with whatever options it needs. After that, you can either run "make; make test; make install" manually, or exit back to CPAN and use "install Module::Name" to let it do the rest.


Thus spake the master programmer:

"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained."

-- The Tao of Programming

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