I love these kinds of threads, everything reduced to black and white.
while we're at it,  can anyone suggest

* a good text editor for editing perl scripts?
* a decent OS
* who should be running Apple
* which is the most secure version of Unix
* which is the least secure version of Unix
* why the hunt for Al Qaeda, suddenly became the War on Iraq
* if Slartibartfast ever got to design anything aside from Fjords what would he design
* what colour is god?
* which is definitive - creationism or the theory of evolution
* why Apple doesn't make perl the default scripting language for OSX (just to keep things on topic)

Actually I know why Punjeet wrote what he did - he was hoping to stir up folks into posting as he list was getting a bit too quiet. Like my query about bit level editing didn't even get 1 reply - where were you all then, huh? :-)

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