At 2:34 PM -0500 16/3/03, Trey Harris wrote:
In a message dated Sun, 16 Mar 2003, Puneet Kishor writes:
 5. I made the original posting on the list, not to any one person
 privately. All responses to that should be made to the list.

This is an interpretation of netiquette I've never heard of, and I've been on the net for well over a decade. If anything, netiquette says that comments that are of less-than-general interest should *not* be posted to the list at large.


At 10:47 AM -0700 16/3/03, Dan Brian wrote:
Dan> A few seem to have missed the fact that Randal sent a private message
Dan> to Puneet. This isn't acceptable regardless of the point, context, or
Dan> argument. It should have remained private. The rest is between them.

For clarification, the "this isn't acceptable" was Puneet's reposting
of my private mail to the list, not the fact that I sent a private
message.  Correct?

Yep. :-) Pardon the obfuscation.

Actually, on some lists, sending a private email to members is unacceptable. Certainly sending private email telling people what they should and should not do on a list has been considered unacceptable on many lists I've been on (essentially because it is a form of intimidation which is not appropriate). Controlling the content of a list is a job for the listmaster, as they control what is and is not appropriate for a list. Generally this is more important on lists which have topics slightly more controversial than Perl on Mac OS X. I guess perhaps the fact that the normal topic is not very controversial is why we have to have a flame war with several dozen messages over something as lame as all this.

Now that someone has mentioned the Nazis, can we end this thread?

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